Sarca in Soragna packages cheese for companies. In more than 40 years of work, we have set ourselves apart for our experience, reliability, total commitment, precision, constant collaboration with customers, guarantee of and respect for produce, and respect for all relevant legislation. We have become a leading packager of Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano, Pecorino Toscano, Pecorino Romano, Montasio and countless other aged and semi-aged cheeses, for the Italian and foreign markets.
Our site is in the heart of the Food Valley, near Parma. We have 95,000 square feet of space, 10 cutting and packaging lines and about 40 workers. With these numbers, we can handle significant quantities and package hundreds of different cheeses.
Most important of all are our workers, the people whose passion, dedication and total respect for the quality and integrity of our customers' products make Sarca what it is.

VAT no. 00780330346
Via Trieste, 6/8
43019 SORAGNA (PR)